Saturday, 5 December 2009

Catching the tiger by the tail

This is lazy blogging 101. But you'll enjoy it nonetheless.

Have a good weekend, folks...


  1. What a hoot! I'd say that monkey was living dangerously but the tigers seemed pretty complacent... either that, or confused. Cute video.

  2. Hey carol, d'you think there might be an evolutionary imperative going on here. The monkey annoys the heck out of the tigers when they are young so when they get older they don't prey on his species?

  3. Hilarious. And aren't those cubs beautiful.

  4. catch a tiger by the tail....

  5. I dunno... If I were those tigers I'd remember that blighter for the rest of my days and take every opportunity to mutilate and destroy. Okay, maybe that's a little exaggerated, but I don't think I'd want to be in that particular monkey's family tree. Oh wait, there are some people who would say I am!
