Thursday, 31 December 2009


Do you make resolutions? Do you stick to them? Do ya? Do ya? Do ya? Bet you don't.

As the t-shirt says (and BTW, just so you know, I didn't model for this picture) I don't. My thinking is that if you make your resolutions at the start of the year, you have 365 days to fuck it all up. However, if you choose a more arbitrary date as the kicking off point for a fresh start, and you mess up, you can just pick yourself up and start all over again - without waiting for January 1st to come round again. Make sense, no?

It's like going on a diet on a Monday morning. By elevenses that day you've munched your way through a mars bar, empire biscuit and a packet of crisps so you think, the hell with it and the rest of the week descends into an orgy of calories. Next Monday you start again only to eat a mars bar, empire getting my drift here people?

So I started to think about the aims I have for the next stretch of my life, the week before Xmas and started to modify my behaviour then - allowing for the fact that I would eat slightly more, exercise slightly less and do less writing during the holiday season.

It seems to me that an ongoing assessment of my stuff and an ongoing willingness to work towards my goals is much more effective than the trumpet blast and build up of a new calender year. Because then I will be more relaxed and forgiving of myself when (and it is inevitable) I slip up - and consequently in a better position to get right back on the horse. So to speak.

Here's to getting back on the horse and more success for each and every one of you than you can shake your tail at.



  1. I agree wholeheartedly. Better to keep jumping on the same horse. I for one know, day to day, year to year, what improvements I need to make. The GIANT resolution made as the be all end all of resolutions is the one begging not to be achieved. Like so many strange temporary solution diets.

    May you have all the success you deserve in 2010. Happiness too.

  2. It's going to be a crowded horse. Resolutions never made sense to me - just asking for trouble. Your idea's much better. As for the Mars bars etc. - I hope one of my wife's resolutions is to continue to buy the maxi-packs of Peanut Butter Kit-Kats she's discovered and the tubs of ice cream that are essential accompaniments to any televised football match.

  3. So, Bill, you too lazy to go and buy your own foodie vices then?

  4. I haven't made 'resolutions' in years. When I fouled up (and I always did) it seemed like I was breaking a promise to myself... very demoralizing. Now I have 'intentions' instead... things I intend to do, but if I don't accomplish them it's not a catastrophe; I'll have another go at them some other time.

    I suppose there's something invigorating about making a fresh start at the beginning of a New Year, when new calendars replace the dog-eared ones and pine needles are tidied away with the Christmas decorations. But I agree, making resolutions (or even intentions) at the beginning of a 365-day downhill race against time is a little masochistic.

    Happy New Year to you!
    (P.S. I adore Mars bars)
