Sunday 20 June 2010

You gotta laugh, cos if you don't...


  1. I'm sorry, I couldn't even laugh. Is there a worse word than disaster - in my nightmares there is. In comparison to events where the media is making more of a situation than it warrants, I'm very afraid this one will prove to be even more devastating for the environment than anything being reported so far. Yes, BP is totally screwed, and so are we.

  2. I apologize, Michael. I didn't intend to use your comment section as a soapbox. It's just depressing to watch it unfold locally.

  3. Marley, please don't apologise. I've been horrified about the whole event since it unfolded ...but over here at a remove from the situation its easier to respond to the humour in the satire. let's hope a solution is found ...the world deserves better than this.
